Before I begin, Ill have you know that while I am now a pirate, my personality hasn't quite followed yet. I am still a nice guy and anyone I kill, I give advice to in order to help them mature out of their carebearness. And here we go.
Day 1 - I eyed my star chart looking for a good region of 0.6-0.5 space. I recalled a time earlier in my career in which I was a miner and was can flipped often in the region of space known as "The Bleak Lands". This area is filled with mostly 0.5 systems and many belts. A large variety of industrial corps and noobs come to this area to rat and mine. I think this is due to the fact that 0.5 is the closest you can get to low sec without being there. It is also home to many high sec corp's POS's (Player Owned Structures/Starbase).
In my newly PvP fitted Sacrelidge, I headed for The Bleak Lands.
5 Jumps later, I reached my destination system of Sassieko (I think that is how it is spelled). I jumped to the first belt.
BINGO a full can of luminous and firey kernite. Strange, nobody was there. I checked local and found the player who owned the can. He was about a year old and the only one from his corp of 8 in system. As this was my first official theft, I foolishly grabbed as much as could fit into my cargo hold (about 500m3) and headed for the station. After dropping off the ore, I returned and grabbed a second load. As I was warping out, the owner spotted me. Too late for me to stop and see if he wanted a fight.
After dropping the next load off, I returned to the belt. Unfortunately the owner was not in the fighting mood without a combat ready corpmate. He sat in station waiting for me to get bored of him. I had no desire to play cat and mouse with a coward and unfortunately I didn't have a Bestower to grab the can so I decided to head next door and buy me a hauler.
20 Minutes later I had my hauler equipped with 4 cargo expander IIs. Luckily he took the rest of the loot before my return. I decided to head next door into Netsalaka. There was only one person in system. He was mining of course in the first belt so I decided "why the hell not" I brought in the bestower. Warping to him, I saw I had warped 25km from him and his can. I bookmarked the can and warped out. Why take an hour to fly to it when I can warp right on it right? As I prepped my warp drive to return, he came over local, "That is a bad idea Walker". "Why's that?", I response. Meh what is a 500k indy ship if I lose it? I warped right on his can. As soon as he saw me, he whipped out his 5 Hobgoblin 1s. Oh boy what an ameteur.
I proceeded to steal a full load from his 26,000m3 can (my hold fits a bit over 13,000m3) and began to align to sassieko gate. As expected, his drones went to work on me. Sadly for him, they were poorly inadequite for the job and I escaped with a full hold and 5% armor damage. I gave him some advice as I left about fitting a warp scram for mean haulers. He thanksed me and wasa very good sport about his loss. I left half his loot in the can and told him, he could have it. His lesson was learned. Wisely, he did not leave station to see if I was an honest pirate (although in my case, I am).
Upon returning to station, I refined my spoils and collected the 500k for it. Now it was combat time. No more petty theft with no action. I hopped in my Sacrelidge and headed back.
Upon my return, the miner was still hiding in station but there was another player in system. I started my standard search pattern of jumping belt to belt. Sure enough, he was ratting some 10k frigates in the second belt. I sat there in waiting, looking as innocent as can be with my 3.0 security rating. After the first rat popped, I went and looted the wreck. Rat 2, rat 3, both wrecks were looted as soon as he popped them. Hehe. He was none too happy about this and his Cormorant opened up on me. Now, even an experienced PvPer would be foolish to go up against a half fitted HAC, let alone a pirate in one. This poor noob was going to have to learn his lesson about fighting what you can't take.
Allowing him to get a quarter into my shields, I locked onto him (slowly which is one of the flaws of my fitting a cloaking device). Circling at point blank 3000m I let loose with all 5 of my Heavy Assault Missile Launchers. My Hellfire missiles tore his shield off in 5 seconds and his armor was dispached even faster. Within 20 seconds, his ship was blown to bits. This was my first solo pvp where I was the agressor so my heart was pumping hard. Wow what a rush. Even better, almost none of his fittings were destroyed so I kept them all. Bam another 500k in reprocessed loot.
I gave the much more belligerant noob some advince on attacking a large pirate. He angrily accepted it and was also a pretty good sport. He won't be doing that again :)
An hour later, after doing some things, I returned to EVE. When I logged in, I noticed that the same miner I had looted earlier was still looting the can I left him. Bad move. His barge was flashy red so I quickly dispatched it and took his drones. He had taken my advice on the warp scrambler but why would someone want to warp scram a HAC in a barge?? Second lesson learned. He wasn't as happy about this loss. It was a 25mil isk fitted barge. I sent him 1 mil to help him toward his next barge and gave him some more advice about not using a hauler to take the loot when I left.
Well that was day 1. 2 Wins and no losses. It will take some more wins to fix my killboard from my devastating Abbadon loss in CVA space earlier this year. Looks like some more noobs need to be popped.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
And so it Begins
Today I begin my attempt at pirating. For years I have despised pirates in EVE Online. They are asshats and tend to be of the worst caliber of person. There is one thing that they don't suck at though and that is winning. Today I decided to delve into PvP in EVE. My Sacrilege is fully fit and ready to face a test of fire.
As I move all my assets to one location, I begin contemplating my first move. Can flipping, noob ganking, low sec ganking? They are all tempting. We will see what happens.
As I move all my assets to one location, I begin contemplating my first move. Can flipping, noob ganking, low sec ganking? They are all tempting. We will see what happens.
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